Menampilkan Licensi Type SQL Server

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('LicenseType') AS 'License Type', SERVERPROPERTY('NumLicenses') AS 'Number of Licenses', SERVERPROPERTY('NumLicensesInUse') AS 'Number of Licenses in Use';

Perintah dasar di terminal linux ubuntu

apt update => Update system apt upgrade = > Upgrade System apt remove => Uninstall package ( apt remove apache2* menhapus semua package apache) apt remove --purge => full Uninstall…

Aktivasi Windows Server 2019 180 Hari

Kasusnya windows 2019 eval (retail), jd harus di convert dulu ke windows versi KMS 1. Buka cmd. 2. Cek target windows support caranya ketikan ini.Dism.exe /Online /Get-TargetEditions 3. Set target…